Remembering His Covenant
In Zechariah’s Holy Spirit-inspired prophecy, he is giving praise to God by noting that God has not forgotten His promises and has remembered His covenant with His people. Zechariah praises God by celebrating God’s character and steadfast love – that He is fulfilling all He has promised to do!
When we are struggling and waiting, we are tempted to think that God has forgotten us, that He has forgotten His promises and might not pull through for us. This is the moment we must be reminded of God’s steadfast love! Zechariah’s words remind us of all the times God has been faithful in the past and that when He makes a promise, He will keep it. It may not be the way we think He should do it or at the time we would like Him to, but He is faithful and will fulfill His word.
Psalm 77 is an honest prayer. It gives language to what it feels like when we are in tough times and struggling with difficult things. When we are in dark valleys, we can begin to wonder if God has forgotten us or forgotten His word. Has His love ended forever? We know the answer to that question is “No”, yet it expresses an honest feeling. But the psalmist does not end there. He says, “I will remember…”! When our feelings are overwhelming, we are invited to remember: remember what He has done for us, remember what He has done in Christ, and remember what He has done for His people throughout history.
Can you remember a time God has been faithful to you? Can you reflect on God’s faithfulness by sending Jesus for us?