“The Song of Mary”
These verses from Luke 1 have been called “Mary’s Magnificat”, or Mary’s song of praise. What is her praise song about? When God acts, there is a reversal. It is not the mighty or the proud that get exclusive access to God’s work, it is the humble, the weak, the powerless. Those who have built their lives arrogantly upon themselves, those who have shoved their way to the top, will get a painful reality check when God acts in the world. God looks for those who are humble and put their trust completely in Him.
This song carries a theme from Isaiah 61, that God takes the ashes of our lives and makes them into something beautiful. These verses from Isaiah 61 were so important, that Jesus chose to begin His first sermon in Luke (Luke 4:16-21) with them. I suspect that His mother Mary taught Him this idea from a young age.
Maybe you are in a helpless situation, or maybe you feel overlooked and powerless. The state of your circumstances aren’t nearly as important as the state of your heart. Whether you are powerless or powerful, are you humble? That is what God is looking for when He is at work, those with humble hearts. Let’s take today, and this season as a whole, to recognize any pride in our lives and repent of it, humbling ourselves before Him and trusting in Him to follow through on His word, not trying to make it all happen by ourselves.