Archives: Devotionals

Where have you placed your hopes?

Have you ever thought about hope not just as something you desire to have in the future, but as where you are placing your trust? We don’t just hope for something, we hope in something or someone. What or who we place our hopes in is where we are putting our trust.

We may place our hopes and trust in ourselves, family members, or our jobs or income. We may place our hopes and trust in economies, governments or businesses. Having to wait gives us a chance to see where our trust is. As followers of Jesus, we are called to put our trust in Him, the Creator of the Universe, the Savior of the world. But because we are so busy and distracted, we often slip into trusting other people or entities rather than Him. If you are having to wait, notice where your trust is, what you have put your hope in today.

Psalm 62 is a prayer that reminds us who we are waiting for and whom we are placing our hope in: God. These verses remind us of the character of God, past, present, and future, and encourage us to pour all of our hearts out before Him because he can be trusted.

Lamentations is a challenging book. It is a song of lament in the darkest time of Israel’s history, with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, and the exile to Babylon. Yet in the very center of this lament, a powerful perspective in the midst of great suffering is revealed. “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases…”  In the midst of the darkest times, we are encouraged to remember the character of the Lord who loves us and this love never ceases. This gives us hope. God is worthy of our trust.

What are you waiting for?

This week, the reading plan will focus on an elderly couple named Zechariah and Elizabeth. In this part of the Nativity story, we are invited to see our lives through this righteous and devout couple – waiting, hoping, and praying, yet being disappointed and discouraged because they were unable to have children. Suddenly their lives are interrupted by an angel who says, “Your prayers have been heard”!

Some questions for reflection as you read this week:

What are you waiting for? What have you been hoping for that doesn’t seem to be happening like you want it to? Has disappointment and discouragement crept in? What would it mean to release control to God and trust him with your hopes? What would your prayers be while you wait?

Allow Psalms 130 to be with you all week as a prayer that expresses your hopes and puts trust in God.