My husband and I have a vision of our home being a place where our kid’s friends want to gather. As our kids enter their tween/teen years we see our family and by extension our home becoming a refuge and a safe place where conversations expand hearts, where fun happens, and an environment that fosters relationships centered around Jesus.
Archives: Dreams
I am excited to have a centralized location for all of the staff to work out of. So many of us are spread out over various buildings and offices that I often don’t feel the close connection and camaraderie with many of the people who work in the same campus as myself.
It is my dream to see rooms or an Annex for Life Groups. (So many people,myself included, live in small houses.)
Camp Victory will be revised, made new and the Father will provide vision and resources to transform the camp. That the ground will be a spiritual battle ground like never before where people encounter God and strong holds are broken and people are set free in Christ. That when groups use our facility the presents of Gods spirit is so strong that they can’t help from being transformed by him.
To be involved in missions and to begin to teach others the adventure of living by faith.
Community brought into unity through this building.
To be debt free and participate in GENEROUS Kingdom giving!
I dream of seeing Big Impact in our city, our region, our country and beyond. I believe we have only scratched the surface of what is possible and that we will see even greater things.