Our parenting sets the rhythms of our children’s relationship with God. We must carefully train our children to honor and obey, not treat them in such a way as to provoke them to anger. In this message, Pastor Duane shares 10 of the things we should avoid in training and correcting our children.
Keyword: Children

God blesses us through his promises because what he promises he delivers based off of his character, not our performance. Parents will bless their children the same way. In this message, Pastor Duane shares 7 key promises each parent should make to their children.

Jesus said that the meaning of all the law and prophets is contained in love God and love others as yourself. Parents need to keep it as simple as making sure their kids think through this lens. Instead of making an ever-mounting list of rules, simply ask is it kind, respectful and helpful.

God does not require or expect perfection from us. We need to stop demanding perfection from ourselves, our kids, and from others. There are 10 life skills no child or parent should be without. You can hear skills 1-5 in (Children As Arrows – Part 3 Survival Skills A)
In this message:
6. How to Repent and Forgive
7. The Power of Friends
8. Preparation for Marriage
9. Boundaries for Our Sexuality
10. How to Pray

God does not require or expect perfection from us. We need to stop demanding perfection from ourselves, our kids, and from others. There are 10 life skills no child or parent should be without.
In this message:
1. Fear God
2. Healthy Self Esteem
3. Good Work Ethic
4. Financial Rhythms
5. Love for the Church and God’s Kingdom

We are all called to train and teach the next generation. There are four basic principles that must intentionally be applied to each child’s life so that the trajectory of their life stays straight and on the right path.
1. Obey and honor parents and authorities in life.
2. The importance of training and teaching, and the difference between them.
3. The need for both discipline and disciplines, as both guide our children differently.
4. Sowing and reaping are a reality. Pay attention to what is planted because it will be what is harvested.

God is generational. Learn to think and live generationally. Partner with God embrace the journey and enjoy your kids.