Facing tough decisions? Confused about the direction of your life? As sons and daughters of Christ, we have a Divine Guidance system that is ours. We must simply activate the connection and follow. Sound too simple? The key is to seek that guidance, and the primary source is the Holy Spirit speaking to your spirit. There are other backup support systems, but this one is primary in making life-changing decisions.
Keyword: Duane

Offense is a trap that keeps many of us stuck in the past and unable to move forward in our lives. God wills for us to walk in forgiveness and freedom. In this series, Pastor Duane shares how to overcome Offense and keep it from hindering our growth in Christ.

Offense is a trap that keeps many of us stuck in the past and unable to move forward in our lives. God wills for us to walk in forgiveness and freedom. In this series, Pastor Duane shares how to overcome Offense and keep it from hindering our growth in Christ.

Offense is a trap that keeps many of us stuck in the past and unable to move forward in our lives. God wills for us to walk in forgiveness and freedom. In this series, Pastor Duane shares how to overcome Offense and keep it from hindering our growth in Christ.

Offense is a trap that keeps many of us stuck in the past and unable to move forward in our lives. God wills for us to walk in forgiveness and freedom. In this series, Pastor Duane shares how to overcome Offense and keep it from hindering our growth in Christ.

Offense is a trap that keeps many of us stuck in the past and unable to move forward in our lives. God wills for us to walk in forgiveness and freedom. In this series, Pastor Duane shares how to overcome Offense and keep it from hindering our growth in Christ.

Offense is a trap that keeps many of us stuck in the past and unable to move forward in our lives. God wills for us to walk in forgiveness and freedom. In this series, Pastor Duane shares how to overcome Offense and keep it from hindering our growth in Christ.

Offense is a trap that keeps many of us stuck in the past and unable to move forward in our lives. God wills for us to walk in forgiveness and freedom. In this series, Pastor Duane shares how to overcome Offense and keep it from hindering our growth in Christ.

Offense is a trap that keeps many of us stuck in the past and unable to move forward in our lives. God wills for us to walk in forgiveness and freedom. In this series, Pastor Duane shares how to overcome Offense and keep it from hindering our growth in Christ.

Imagination is a gift from God. It lets us see possibilities, potential, ideas. It allows us to see beyond our current circumstances and into a brighter future. However, an unhealthy imagination can be dangerous and destructive. In this series, Pastor Duane shares how to develop and cultivate a healthy imagination.