In our daily walk with the Lord, it is important that we don’t forget the basics of our Christianity. We can hear so many sermons, arguments and opinions that our focus shifts from the foundational roots of our salvation to many distractions that come our way every day. For those of us who are newly saved, consider this as Christianity 101 and vital to your growth in the Lord.
Keyword: Sheriff

In our daily walk with the Lord, it is important that we don’t forget the basics of our Christianity. We can hear so many sermons, arguments and opinions that our focus shifts from the foundational roots of our salvation to many distractions that come our way every day. For those of us who are newly saved, consider this as Christianity 101 and vital to your growth in the Lord.

In our daily walk with the Lord, it is important that we don’t forget the basics of our Christianity. We can hear so many sermons, arguments and opinions that our focus shifts from the foundational roots of our salvation to many distractions that come our way every day. For those of us who are newly saved, consider this as Christianity 101 and vital to your growth in the Lord.

In our daily walk with the Lord, it is important that we don’t forget the basics of our Christianity. We can hear so many sermons, arguments and opinions that our focus shifts from the foundational roots of our salvation to many distractions that come our way every day. For those of us who are newly saved, consider this as Christianity 101 and vital to your growth in the Lord.

God’s plan for us, individually and corporately, is that we grow and develop spiritually. Immaturity in the church has been on the increase in recent generations, and many pastors do little to address the issue. It is time for us to stand up and grow up! Our church life and culture must facilitate those things that are conducive for spiritual growth and maturity.

God’s plan for us, individually and corporately, is that we grow and develop spiritually. Immaturity in the church has been on the increase in recent generations, and many pastors do little to address the issue. It is time for us to stand up and grow up! Our church life and culture must facilitate those things that are conducive for spiritual growth and maturity.

God’s plan for us, individually and corporately, is that we grow and develop spiritually. Immaturity in the church has been on the increase in recent generations, and many pastors do little to address the issue. It is time for us to stand up and grow up! Our church life and culture must facilitate those things that are conducive for spiritual growth and maturity.

God’s plan for us, individually and corporately, is that we grow and develop spiritually. Immaturity in the church has been on the increase in recent generations, and many pastors do little to address the issue. It is time for us to stand up and grow up! Our church life and culture must facilitate those things that are conducive for spiritual growth and maturity.

God’s plan for us, individually and corporately, is that we grow and develop spiritually. Immaturity in the church has been on the increase in recent generations, and many pastors do little to address the issue. It is time for us to stand up and grow up! Our church life and culture must facilitate those things that are conducive for spiritual growth and maturity.

God’s plan for us, individually and corporately, is that we grow and develop spiritually. Immaturity in the church has been on the increase in recent generations, and many pastors do little to address the issue. It is time for us to stand up and grow up! Our church life and culture must facilitate those things that are conducive for spiritual growth and maturity.