Christianity is about a relationship with God. He is our father, our friend, and our partner. Pastor Jacob discusses what that partnership looks like in this message.
Speaker: Jacob Sheriff

Why is it so important to not be afraid? Why is heaven so emphatic to communicate the message that we don’t have to be afraid? In our world of chaos and brokenness and fear, it is the followers of Jesus who has a chance to show a fearful world that there is another way of living and being in this world, a life not controlled by fear.

Why is it so important to not be afraid? Why is heaven so emphatic to communicate the message that we don’t have to be afraid? In our world of chaos and brokenness and fear, it is the followers of Jesus who has a chance to show a fearful world that there is another way of living and being in this world, a life not controlled by fear.

Pastor Jacob shares his and his family’s testimony through the miraculous journey of the birth of their son, Urias. In our darkest moments we cannot prepare enough or have the right words in our own power. We need to trust God’s love, His will and His Word. His Word gives us what to pray and our hope must be rooted in it.

A truly God-oriented life is positioning our lives around God’s character, word, presence, and power. We are not just orienting our “spiritual lives” around Him, but our whole lives.


Living A Blessed Year

Rather than ignoring unhealthy behaviors or accepting disconnection in relationships, Courageously and Lovingly take a step toward confrontation.

God’s justice is defined by reconciliation (reunion, mending) not retribution (punishment, penalty). Every choice and decision you make sets you on a path. Forgiveness is a choice to end the cycle of revenge and retribution and leave justice in the hands of God.

Jacob Sheriff – Community – Where You and I Belong